Kamis, 27 Mei 2010

PCSX2 is a Sony PS2 emulator which is one of the best emulator at the moment…
guess you already know about that….
credit goes to element4l5 for compiling Pcsx2 and hosted at 4shared.
hope this help…and forgive my bad English as it isn’t my native language.

Edit: Pcsx2 downloaded from this site(link to 4 shared) is still WIP (work in progress) so, if there's any error occurred with any game on any revision, do not expect to get any help on PCSX2's forum; PCSX2 0.9.7 is still an unsupported version. it is recommended to use the official version.
Follow this link to go to PCSX2,..
download here PCSX2 r3068

Rabu, 26 Mei 2010

dasiyem download langsung dari ZIddu
DASIYEM salah seorang warga TUBAN tercinta kita ini,kemungkinan besar akan dinobatkan menjadi warga Indonesia tertua di Negara Republik Indonesia.
Dasiyem Warga Tuban ini telah Enam kali menikah dan dikaruniai 6 orang anak. semua suaminya telah meninggal termasuk suami terakhirnya yang meninggal 10 tahun lalu….
Dasiyem yang akrab disapa canggah dasiyem ini telah hidup selama 4 generasi….bahkan 4 orang anaknya telah meninggal karena usia lanjut dan anak bungsunya kini telah berusia 86 tahun….
Belum ada tanggapan resmi dari Kota Tuak tentang hal ini..
begitupun jawaban pasti mengapa Dasiyem mampu hidup hingga saat ini tanpa sering sakit-sakitan seperti orang tua seusianya…ingatannya pun masih kuat…
seorang buyut kerabat dekatnya yang bernama RASMADI menuturkan kalau Dasiyem sering terlihat berdo’a saat matahari tenggelam namun Rasmadi tidak mengatakan apa isi do’anya tersebut..
yang terlihat luarbiasa adalah sebuah Fenomena jika Dasiyem akan terlihat muda saat tanggal muda dan terlihat lebih Tua saat tanggal tua….begitu tutur Rasmadi…
well, Karena ini kisah nyata,…Download Videonya Dsini….
Orang Tuban,……We Proud of It….

klik link dibawah ini untuk mendownload filenya and be sure to add me in your credit lis (and also the related person/web.)


ato link di bawah ini untuk koleksi Short stories yg belum sempat Q kerjakan (tinggal edit and selesai…)

20 Kumpulan Short stories

Selasa, 25 Mei 2010

Tugas Short Story
berikut ini daftar short story yang telah q kerjakan tapi belum q buatkan summary-nya karena q mesti maen futsal dulu skarang……

The sun was about to rise on Farmer Tim's farm. Chester Chicken woke up the cows with his important news….

That night Ollie dreamed that she grew another leg. Everyone celebrated and ate delicious food. She was so happy. But the next day, when Ollie woke up and counted her legs, there were still only seven.

masih ada sekitar 10 short stories yg masih ada d draft…
Will upload later (if i had a chance or if i feel  i want to…). credit goes to English Club and the author/translator

Senin, 24 Mei 2010

High and Lifted Up
It was a windy day.
The mailman barely made it to the front door. When the door opened, Mrs. Pennington said, "hello", but, before she had a real chance to say "thank you", the mail blew out of the mailman's hands, into the house and the front door slammed in his face. Mrs. Pennington ran to pick up the mail.
"Oh my," she said.
Tommy was watching the shutters open and then shut, open and then shut.
"Mom," he said, "may I go outside?"
"Be careful," she said. "It's so windy today."
Tommy crawled down from the window-seat and ran to the door. He opened it with a bang. The wind blew fiercely and snatched the newly recovered mail from Mrs. Pennington's hands and blew it even further into the house.
"Oh my," she said again. Tommy ran outside and the door slammed shut.
Outside, yellow, gold, and red leaves were leaping from swaying trees, landing on the roof, jumping off the roof, and then chasing one another down the street in tiny whirlwinds of merriment.
Tommy watched in fascination.
"If I was a leaf, I would fly clear across the world," Tommy thought and then ran out into the yard among the swirl of colors.
Mrs. Pennington came to the front porch.
"Tommy, I have your jacket. Please put it on."
However, there was no Tommy in the front yard.
Tommy was a leaf. He was blowing down the street with the rest of his play-mates.
A maple leaf came close-by, touched him and moved ahead. Tommy met him shortly, brushed against him, and moved further ahead. They swirled around and around, hit cars and poles, flew up into the air and then down again.
"This is fun," Tommy thought.
The maple leaf blew in front of him. It was bright red with well-defined veins. The sun-light shone through it giving it a brilliance never before seen by a little boy's eyes.
"Where do you think we are going?" Tommy asked the leaf.
"Does it matter?" the leaf replied. "Have fun. Life is short."
"I beg to differ," an older leaf said suddenly coming beside them. "The journey may be short, but the end is the beginning."
Tommy pondered this the best a leaf could ponder.
"Where do we end up?"
"If the wind blows you in that direction," the old leaf said, "you will end up in the city dump."
"I don't want that," Tommy said.
"If you are blown in that direction, you will fly high into the air and see things that no leaf has seen before."
"Follow me to the city dump," the maple leaf said. "Most of my friends are there."
The wind blew Tommy and the maple leaf along. Tommy thought of his choices. He wanted to continue to play.
"Okay," Tommy said, "I will go with you to the dump."
The winds shifted and Tommy and the leaf were blown in the direction of the city dump.
The old leaf didn't follow. He was blown further down the block and suddenly lifted up high into the air.
"Hey," he called out, "the sights up here. They are spectacular. Come and see."
Tommy and the maple leaf ignored him.
"I see something. I see the dump." The old leaf cried out. "I see smoke. Come up here. I see fire."
"I see nothing," the maple leaf said.
Tommy saw the fence that surrounded the city dump. He was happy to be with his friend. They would have fun in the dump.
Suddenly, a car pulled up. It was Tommy's mom. Mrs. Pennington wasn't about to let her little boy run into the city dump.
"Not so fast," she said getting out of the car. "You are not allowed to play in there. Don't you see the smoke?"
Tommy watched the maple leaf blow against the wall and struggle to get over. He ran over to get it but was unable to reach it.
Mrs. Pennington walked over and took the leaf. She put it in her pocket.
"There," she said, "it will be safe until we get home."
Tommy smiled, ran to the car and got in. He rolled down the back window and looked up into the sky. He wondered where the old leaf had gone. Perhaps one day he would see what the old leaf had seen - perhaps.
Short stories tugas yang harus dikumpulkan hari ini….credit goes to Mike Krath and east of the web

In this extensive checking,every vehicles was checked...
Some said the police was searching the terrorist which suspected to cross the road while other told me this is the 'razia' to check every vehicles for drugs...(in other words to intercept the drugs regulations)

The strange thing is,the next day i got the info if the police just did the routine check which is supposed to be done in every month...

Minggu, 23 Mei 2010

Jalanan berlubang yg memanjang d spanjang jalanan yg strategis ini telah memakan banyak korban...
Pihak DPU patut mndpat acungan jari...
Many people fall in that street coz it is invisible even from the close distance...
In the heavy rain,more accident will happen...
I'm so sad...
No one seem really care with it...
Damn,i was really sad watching many people fall in that hole...
DPU deserve to get my midle finger pointed at their god damned ugly face...

this is the material I got from someone which written in my wall….in my FACEBOOK

The interest in performance-based learning stemming from specific knOWLEDGE,abilities,and skills as representeD in the forms of coMPETENCies is accelerating throughout the world. There are at least three fundamental reasons why competency-based initiatives are vital. First, specific assessments of the course and program. Secondly, specific competencies assist teachers and students to prossess a common understanding on the specific skills,knowledge,and abilities they have to acquire as a result of their learning experience. Thirdly, specific competencies provide directions for designing teaching materials and learning experience and assignments which can help learners gain practice in using and implementing the competencies they have acquired.
Paragrap 2
Docking (1994) assert that a unit of competency can be realizf in the forms of tasks, roles ,functions,or a learning module. These wilL vary froM coNTEXTS to coNTEXTS and may inclue specific knowledge, thinking processes, attitudes, and both perceptual and physical skills. The unit of progression is,then, the mastery of specific knowledge, the possession of particular skills and abilities in order to acCoMplish a given task within a specific coNTEXT and situatioN(see sULLivan, 1995) .In conjunctioN with this argument, norton (1987) contends that coMpetencies are, therefore, to be cAREfully selected, indENTifieD, and madE possible to be demOnstrated and assessed by the set criteria. Materials are then keyeD to the competencies the class will aChieve and have to be dEsigneD to support the aCquisitioN of the specific knOWLEdge and skilLS.
Paragrap 3
Learning froM its bAsic features, cBL in then recoMmended as a key success for language learning. As CBL can be aCclaimeD to be bASEd oN functioNAL anD interaCTioNAL perspectives ,it seEKS to teaCH language in coNJUNCtioN with social coNTEXTs in which it is useD. aCcordingly, there is a shift in the implementatioN of this apProaCH, i.e. From what the learnerS knOW aBOUt the language to what they cAN do with it.

I was so confuse at first and then tried to arrange the words into this

The interest in performance-based learning stemming from specific knowledge,abilities,and skills as represented in the forms of competence is accelerating throughout the world. There are at least three fundamental reasons why competency-based initiatives are vital. First, specific assessments of the course and program. Secondly, specific competencies assist teachers and students to possess a common understanding on the specific skills,knowledge,and abilities they have to acquire as a result of their learning experience. Thirdly, specific competencies provide directions for designing teaching materials and learning experience and assignments which can help learners gain practice in using and implementing the competencies they have acquired.
Paragraph 2
Docking (1994) assert that a unit of competency can be realize in the forms of tasks, roles ,functions,or a learning module. These will vary from contexts to contexts and may include specific knowledge, thinking processes, attitudes, and both perceptual and physical skills. The unit of progression is,then, the mastery of specific knowledge, the possession of particular skills and abilities in order to accomplish a given task within a specific context and situation(see Sullivan, 1995) .In conjunction with this argument, Norton (1987) contends that competencies are, therefore, to be carefully selected, identified, and made possible to be demonstrated and assessed by the set criteria. Materials are then keyed to the competencies the class will achieve and have to be designed to support the acquisition of the specific knowledge and skills.
Paragraph 3
Learning from its basic features, cBL in then recommended as a key success for language learning. As CBL can be acclaimed to be based on functional and interaction-al perspectives ,it seeks to teach language in conjunction with social contexts in which it is used. accordingly, there is a shift in the implementation of this approach, i.e. From what the learners know about the language to what they can do with it.

and here is what i have done with it…^.^

The interest in performance-based learning stemming from specific knowledge,abilities,and skills as represented in the forms of competence is accelerating throughout the world. There are at least three fundamental reasons why competency-based initiatives are vital. First, specific assessments of the course and program. Secondly, specific competencies assist teachers and students to possess a common understanding on the specific skills,knowledge,and abilities they have to acquire as a result of their learning experience. Thirdly, specific competencies provide directions for designing teaching materials and learning experience and assignments which can help learners gain practice in using and implementing the competencies they have acquired.
mengapa Pembelajaran BERBASIS KOMPETENSI?
ketertarikan dalam pembelajaran berbasis kinerja yang berasal dari pengetahuan khusus, kemampuan memahami dan keterampilan seperti yang tercermin dalam bentuk kompetensi telah menyebar secara cepat keseluruh penjuru dunia. Setidaknya ada tiga alasan mendasar  yang penting mengapa inisiatif berbasis kompetensi sangat penting. Pertama, penilaian khusus dari latihan dan program. Kedua, kompetensi khusus membantu guru dan siswa memiliki pandangan umum yang sama terhadap keterampilan khusus, pengetahuan, dan kemampuan yang harus mereka peroleh sebagai hasil dari pengalaman belajar mereka. Ketiga, kompetensi khusus memberikan arahan untuk merancang bahan pembelajaran dan pengalaman dalam tugas dan pembelajaran yang dapat membantu pelajar memperoleh pengalaman praktikum dalam menggunakan dan menerapkan kompetensi yang telah mereka peroleh..
Paragraph 2
Docking (1994) assert that a unit of competency can be realize in the forms of tasks, roles ,functions,or a learning module. These will vary from contexts to contexts and may include specific knowledge, thinking processes, attitudes, and both perceptual and physical skills. The unit of progression is,then, the mastery of specific knowledge, the possession of particular skills and abilities in order to accomplish a given task within a specific context and situation(see Sullivan, 1995) .In conjunction with this argument, Norton (1987) contends that competencies are, therefore, to be carefully selected, identified, and made possible to be demonstrated and assessed by the set criteria. Materials are then keyed to the competencies the class will achieve and have to be designed to support the acquisition of the specific knowledge and skills.
Docking (1994) menyatakan bahwa sebuah unit kompetensi dapat diwujudkan dalam bentuk tugas, peran, fungsi, atau modul belajar. hal Ini akan berbeda dari konteks ke konteks dan dapat mencakup pengetahuan khusus, proses berpikir, tindakan/sikap serta persepsi dan keterampilan fisik. pengukuran unit kemajuannya kemudian adalah penguasaan pengetahuan khusus, kepemilikan keterampilan khusus dan kemampuan untuk menyelesaikan tugas yang diberikan dalam konteks dan situasi tertentu (Sullivan, 1995). Dalam kaitannya dengan pendapat ini, Norton (1987 ) berpendapat bahwa kompetensi Oleh karena itu, harus hati-hati dipilih, diidentifikasi, dan dimungkinkan untuk diperlihatkan dan dinilai oleh kriteria yang ditetapkan. materi pembelajaran adalah hal utama dalam pembelajaran dmana diharapkan setiap kelas mampu mencapainya dan harus dirancang sedemikian rupa untuk mendukung penyerapan dari pengetahuan dan keterampilan khusus.
Paragraph 3
Learning from its basic features, cBL in then recommended as a key success for language learning. As CBL can be acclaimed to be based on functional and interaction-al perspectives ,it seeks to teach language in conjunction with social contexts in which it is used. accordingly, there is a shift in the implementation of this approach, i.e. From what the learners know about the language to what they can do with it.
Belajar dari hal dasar tersebut, CBL(Pembelajaran Berbaasis Kompetensi) kemudian direkomendasikan sebagai kunci sukses untuk belajar bahasa. Seperti diakui CBL dapat didasarkan pada perspektif fungsional dan interaksial, CBL berusaha mengajarkan bahasa dalam kaitannya dengan konteks sosial dimana bahasa tersebut digunakan. oleh karena itu, terdapat perubahan dalam pelaksanaan pendekatannya, yakni Dari apa yang diketahui pelajar tentang bahasa itu hingga ke apa yang bisa dilakukan dengan bahasa tersebut....

and this is the ‘stand-alone’ meaning extracted from the article…

Mengapa Pembelajaran BERBASIS KOMPETENSI?
Paragraf 1
ketertarikan dalam pembelajaran berbasis kinerja yang berasal dari pengetahuan khusus, kemampuan memahami dan keterampilan seperti yang tercermin dalam bentuk kompetensi telah menyebar secara cepat keseluruh penjuru dunia. Setidaknya ada tiga alasan mendasar  yang penting mengapa inisiatif berbasis kompetensi sangat penting. Pertama, penilaian khusus dari latihan dan program. Kedua, kompetensi khusus membantu guru dan siswa memiliki pandangan umum yang sama terhadap keterampilan khusus, pengetahuan, dan kemampuan yang harus mereka peroleh sebagai hasil dari pengalaman belajar mereka. Ketiga, kompetensi khusus memberikan arahan untuk merancang bahan pembelajaran dan pengalaman dalam tugas dan pembelajaran yang dapat membantu pelajar memperoleh pengalaman praktikum dalam menggunakan dan menerapkan kompetensi yang telah mereka peroleh..
paragraf 2
Docking (1994) menyatakan bahwa sebuah unit kompetensi dapat diwujudkan dalam bentuk tugas, peran, fungsi, atau modul belajar. hal Ini akan berbeda dari konteks ke konteks dan dapat mencakup pengetahuan khusus, proses berpikir, tindakan/sikap serta persepsi dan keterampilan fisik. pengukuran unit kemajuannya kemudian adalah penguasaan pengetahuan khusus, kepemilikan keterampilan khusus dan kemampuan untuk menyelesaikan tugas yang diberikan dalam konteks dan situasi tertentu (Sullivan, 1995). Dalam kaitannya dengan pendapat ini, Norton (1987 ) berpendapat bahwa kompetensi Oleh karena itu, harus hati-hati dipilih, diidentifikasi, dan dimungkinkan untuk diperlihatkan dan dinilai oleh kriteria yang ditetapkan. materi pembelajaran adalah hal utama dalam pembelajaran dmana diharapkan setiap kelas mampu mencapainya dan harus dirancang sedemikian rupa untuk mendukung penyerapan dari pengetahuan dan keterampilan khusus.
paragraf 3
 Belajar dari hal dasar tersebut, CBL(Pembelajaran Berbasis Kompetensi) kemudian direkomendasikan sebagai kunci sukses untuk belajar bahasa. Seperti diakui CBL dapat didasarkan pada perspektif fungsional dan interaksial, CBL berusaha mengajarkan bahasa dalam kaitannya dengan konteks sosial dimana bahasa tersebut digunakan. oleh karena itu, terdapat perubahan dalam pelaksanaan pendekatannya, yakni Dari apa yang diketahui pelajar tentang bahasa itu hingga ke apa yang bisa dilakukan dengan bahasa tersebut....

Hope it helps as what it intended to….
***Say hello to English class and Goodbye my old memories…..***

this is the material I got from someone which written in my wall….in my FACEBOOK

The interest in performance-based learning stemming from specific knOWLEDGE,abilities,and skills as representeD in the forms of coMPETENCies is accelerating throughout the world. There are at least three fundamental reasons why competency-based initiatives are vital. First, specific assessments of the course and program. Secondly, specific competencies assist teachers and students to prossess a common understanding on the specific skills,knowledge,and abilities they have to acquire as a result of their learning experience. Thirdly, specific competencies provide directions for designing teaching materials and learning experience and assignments which can help learners gain practice in using and implementing the competencies they have acquired.
Paragrap 2
Docking (1994) assert that a unit of competency can be realizf in the forms of tasks, roles ,functions,or a learning module. These wilL vary froM coNTEXTS to coNTEXTS and may inclue specific knowledge, thinking processes, attitudes, and both perceptual and physical skills. The unit of progression is,then, the mastery of specific knowledge, the possession of particular skills and abilities in order to acCoMplish a given task within a specific coNTEXT and situatioN(see sULLivan, 1995) .In conjunctioN with this argument, norton (1987) contends that coMpetencies are, therefore, to be cAREfully selected, indENTifieD, and madE possible to be demOnstrated and assessed by the set criteria. Materials are then keyeD to the competencies the class will aChieve and have to be dEsigneD to support the aCquisitioN of the specific knOWLEdge and skilLS.
Paragrap 3
Learning froM its bAsic features, cBL in then recoMmended as a key success for language learning. As CBL can be aCclaimeD to be bASEd oN functioNAL anD interaCTioNAL perspectives ,it seEKS to teaCH language in coNJUNCtioN with social coNTEXTs in which it is useD. aCcordingly, there is a shift in the implementatioN of this apProaCH, i.e. From what the learnerS knOW aBOUt the language to what they cAN do with it.

I was so confuse at first and then tried to arrange the words into this

The interest in performance-based learning stemming from specific knowledge,abilities,and skills as represented in the forms of competence is accelerating throughout the world. There are at least three fundamental reasons why competency-based initiatives are vital. First, specific assessments of the course and program. Secondly, specific competencies assist teachers and students to possess a common understanding on the specific skills,knowledge,and abilities they have to acquire as a result of their learning experience. Thirdly, specific competencies provide directions for designing teaching materials and learning experience and assignments which can help learners gain practice in using and implementing the competencies they have acquired.
Paragraph 2
Docking (1994) assert that a unit of competency can be realize in the forms of tasks, roles ,functions,or a learning module. These will vary from contexts to contexts and may include specific knowledge, thinking processes, attitudes, and both perceptual and physical skills. The unit of progression is,then, the mastery of specific knowledge, the possession of particular skills and abilities in order to accomplish a given task within a specific context and situation(see Sullivan, 1995) .In conjunction with this argument, Norton (1987) contends that competencies are, therefore, to be carefully selected, identified, and made possible to be demonstrated and assessed by the set criteria. Materials are then keyed to the competencies the class will achieve and have to be designed to support the acquisition of the specific knowledge and skills.
Paragraph 3
Learning from its basic features, cBL in then recommended as a key success for language learning. As CBL can be acclaimed to be based on functional and interaction-al perspectives ,it seeks to teach language in conjunction with social contexts in which it is used. accordingly, there is a shift in the implementation of this approach, i.e. From what the learners know about the language to what they can do with it.

and here is what i have done with it…^.^

The interest in performance-based learning stemming from specific knowledge,abilities,and skills as represented in the forms of competence is accelerating throughout the world. There are at least three fundamental reasons why competency-based initiatives are vital. First, specific assessments of the course and program. Secondly, specific competencies assist teachers and students to possess a common understanding on the specific skills,knowledge,and abilities they have to acquire as a result of their learning experience. Thirdly, specific competencies provide directions for designing teaching materials and learning experience and assignments which can help learners gain practice in using and implementing the competencies they have acquired.
mengapa Pembelajaran BERBASIS KOMPETENSI?
ketertarikan dalam pembelajaran berbasis kinerja yang berasal dari pengetahuan khusus, kemampuan memahami dan keterampilan seperti yang tercermin dalam bentuk kompetensi telah menyebar secara cepat keseluruh penjuru dunia. Setidaknya ada tiga alasan mendasar  yang penting mengapa inisiatif berbasis kompetensi sangat penting. Pertama, penilaian khusus dari latihan dan program. Kedua, kompetensi khusus membantu guru dan siswa memiliki pandangan umum yang sama terhadap keterampilan khusus, pengetahuan, dan kemampuan yang harus mereka peroleh sebagai hasil dari pengalaman belajar mereka. Ketiga, kompetensi khusus memberikan arahan untuk merancang bahan pembelajaran dan pengalaman dalam tugas dan pembelajaran yang dapat membantu pelajar memperoleh pengalaman praktikum dalam menggunakan dan menerapkan kompetensi yang telah mereka peroleh..
Paragraph 2
Docking (1994) assert that a unit of competency can be realize in the forms of tasks, roles ,functions,or a learning module. These will vary from contexts to contexts and may include specific knowledge, thinking processes, attitudes, and both perceptual and physical skills. The unit of progression is,then, the mastery of specific knowledge, the possession of particular skills and abilities in order to accomplish a given task within a specific context and situation(see Sullivan, 1995) .In conjunction with this argument, Norton (1987) contends that competencies are, therefore, to be carefully selected, identified, and made possible to be demonstrated and assessed by the set criteria. Materials are then keyed to the competencies the class will achieve and have to be designed to support the acquisition of the specific knowledge and skills.
Docking (1994) menyatakan bahwa sebuah unit kompetensi dapat diwujudkan dalam bentuk tugas, peran, fungsi, atau modul belajar. hal Ini akan berbeda dari konteks ke konteks dan dapat mencakup pengetahuan khusus, proses berpikir, tindakan/sikap serta persepsi dan keterampilan fisik. pengukuran unit kemajuannya kemudian adalah penguasaan pengetahuan khusus, kepemilikan keterampilan khusus dan kemampuan untuk menyelesaikan tugas yang diberikan dalam konteks dan situasi tertentu (Sullivan, 1995). Dalam kaitannya dengan pendapat ini, Norton (1987 ) berpendapat bahwa kompetensi Oleh karena itu, harus hati-hati dipilih, diidentifikasi, dan dimungkinkan untuk diperlihatkan dan dinilai oleh kriteria yang ditetapkan. materi pembelajaran adalah hal utama dalam pembelajaran dmana diharapkan setiap kelas mampu mencapainya dan harus dirancang sedemikian rupa untuk mendukung penyerapan dari pengetahuan dan keterampilan khusus.
Paragraph 3
Learning from its basic features, cBL in then recommended as a key success for language learning. As CBL can be acclaimed to be based on functional and interaction-al perspectives ,it seeks to teach language in conjunction with social contexts in which it is used. accordingly, there is a shift in the implementation of this approach, i.e. From what the learners know about the language to what they can do with it.
Belajar dari hal dasar tersebut, CBL(Pembelajaran Berbaasis Kompetensi) kemudian direkomendasikan sebagai kunci sukses untuk belajar bahasa. Seperti diakui CBL dapat didasarkan pada perspektif fungsional dan interaksial, CBL berusaha mengajarkan bahasa dalam kaitannya dengan konteks sosial dimana bahasa tersebut digunakan. oleh karena itu, terdapat perubahan dalam pelaksanaan pendekatannya, yakni Dari apa yang diketahui pelajar tentang bahasa itu hingga ke apa yang bisa dilakukan dengan bahasa tersebut....

and this is the ‘stand-alone’ meaning extracted from the article…

Mengapa Pembelajaran BERBASIS KOMPETENSI?
Paragraf 1
ketertarikan dalam pembelajaran berbasis kinerja yang berasal dari pengetahuan khusus, kemampuan memahami dan keterampilan seperti yang tercermin dalam bentuk kompetensi telah menyebar secara cepat keseluruh penjuru dunia. Setidaknya ada tiga alasan mendasar  yang penting mengapa inisiatif berbasis kompetensi sangat penting. Pertama, penilaian khusus dari latihan dan program. Kedua, kompetensi khusus membantu guru dan siswa memiliki pandangan umum yang sama terhadap keterampilan khusus, pengetahuan, dan kemampuan yang harus mereka peroleh sebagai hasil dari pengalaman belajar mereka. Ketiga, kompetensi khusus memberikan arahan untuk merancang bahan pembelajaran dan pengalaman dalam tugas dan pembelajaran yang dapat membantu pelajar memperoleh pengalaman praktikum dalam menggunakan dan menerapkan kompetensi yang telah mereka peroleh..
paragraf 2
Docking (1994) menyatakan bahwa sebuah unit kompetensi dapat diwujudkan dalam bentuk tugas, peran, fungsi, atau modul belajar. hal Ini akan berbeda dari konteks ke konteks dan dapat mencakup pengetahuan khusus, proses berpikir, tindakan/sikap serta persepsi dan keterampilan fisik. pengukuran unit kemajuannya kemudian adalah penguasaan pengetahuan khusus, kepemilikan keterampilan khusus dan kemampuan untuk menyelesaikan tugas yang diberikan dalam konteks dan situasi tertentu (Sullivan, 1995). Dalam kaitannya dengan pendapat ini, Norton (1987 ) berpendapat bahwa kompetensi Oleh karena itu, harus hati-hati dipilih, diidentifikasi, dan dimungkinkan untuk diperlihatkan dan dinilai oleh kriteria yang ditetapkan. materi pembelajaran adalah hal utama dalam pembelajaran dmana diharapkan setiap kelas mampu mencapainya dan harus dirancang sedemikian rupa untuk mendukung penyerapan dari pengetahuan dan keterampilan khusus.
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 Belajar dari hal dasar tersebut, CBL(Pembelajaran Berbasis Kompetensi) kemudian direkomendasikan sebagai kunci sukses untuk belajar bahasa. Seperti diakui CBL dapat didasarkan pada perspektif fungsional dan interaksial, CBL berusaha mengajarkan bahasa dalam kaitannya dengan konteks sosial dimana bahasa tersebut digunakan. oleh karena itu, terdapat perubahan dalam pelaksanaan pendekatannya, yakni Dari apa yang diketahui pelajar tentang bahasa itu hingga ke apa yang bisa dilakukan dengan bahasa tersebut....

Hope it helps as what it intended to….
***Say hello to English class and Goodbye my old memories…..***



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